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Defending a small business against a sexual harassment claim

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2024 | Uncategorized

As a small business owner, one of the most important priorities that you may have for your business is to protect it against legal claims. Lawsuits, unfounded or not, have the potential to result in serious loss and complications for your company, and you would benefit from knowing how to protect your business against the possibility of this. It is practical and important to take necessary steps to shield your company by reducing your chance of issues. 

Whether you are handling a claim already filed or you hope to prevent this from happening in the future, it is critical to handle this sensitive matter with care. Companies of all sizes will benefit from carrying liability insurance, but it is also important to have certain policies and procedures in place. The best insurance against workplace harassment claims is the prevention of inappropriate actions in the workplace and having effective policies in place. 

Stopping harassment before it even happens 

A critical component in the prevention of sexual harassment claims is establishing a workplace culture that makes this type of behavior unlikely and unacceptable. Clear policies that are well-known to everyone can ensure that everyone understands the types of behaviors that are unacceptable and the standards in place for every employee. Sexual harassment policies can differ from company to company, but they often include the following details: 

  • A clear statement that the company will not tolerate sexual harassment 
  • Overview of the types of behaviors that count as sexual harassment 
  • Assurance that employees who file a harassment claim will not face retaliation 
  • Steps that employees must take if they need to file a complaint 
  • Overview of how the company investigates these complaints 
  • Disciplinary action for those who commit sexual harassment in the workplace 

As an employer, it is critical that you take all complaints of sexual harassment seriously. Acknowledge complaints, thoroughly interview all involved and document everything. 

Defense against claims 

As an employer, you know that, while it is important to take complaints seriously, it is still important to protect the interests of your Minnesota business. You may find it beneficial to have professional insight regarding how you can balance the needs of your employees with the financial security of your business. Diligent and prompt response is the best approach to any type of threat to the security and stability of your company.